June 5, 2014

Stepping into working life

And by that I mean working in a actual office. My previous jobs were all non desk-bound positions, because I didn't like the idea of it. But now that I've graduated, there's no way to really 'escape' that. I think I actually feel slightly more positive toward the idea now though. Maybe I've learn to accept it? Maybe I've matured? Or probably this is the better choice to make income-wise?

There are some issues that come into mind about working in an office environment.

The Boss
Firstly, if your boss is a guy, what if he is a pervert? LOL. I know this may sound like over-thinking it. But seriously, have heard stories of it and I've also come across them in my previous job. And really, men who wield authority and are not decent are just gross. Not to mention scary. I mean you can choose to give him a piece of your mind and walk away from the job, but what if you were trapped in a position where no one was there to help you, or if things were unclear(is he or is he not a pervert)? Then it can just get really uncomfortable. 
Secondly is of cos the dictator, or the mentally bipolar(hot and cold toward subordinates),
or both= the psycho.

The Colleagues
I honestly think they make or break your job. How can you possible be happy if your colleagues turn out nasty? Then on the other hand, a stressful or less desirable job position can be made bearable by fellow workers who make it a fun and happy place at the office.

The Job
Will it be easy? Difficult? What do people do at the office anyway??! 
I'm not overly worried if the workload is heavy, because I'm relatively able to cope with stress and work with deadlines. What I'm concerned is would I even know how to do it??

The Lack of Time
9-5. Out at dawn, back at nightfall. :((( What about time to meet friends? Bf? Time with family? My dog? What about me time that I value immensely, and especially after a tiring day?It's not that I head out all the time but I want to at least have the option, or the time obviously, to make that choice.

The Dresscode
Ever since I was in my teens, I used to observe office ladies dressed in neutral tones of shirts, slim skirts, rushing in and out of trains, carrying little purses on the way to lunch, often with staff id tags strung on lanyards, tottering on the same types of black kitten heels, and it just felt...utterly depressing. Like I couldn't imagine trading in what I feel like wearing and actually spend money to purchase what I feel are the most boring designs on earth. And everyone of them looked the same. It just felt like a uniform, and it felt stuffy, and they didn't look happy.
I just hope I'd be able to chance upon interesting options and not force myself to buy clothes that I'd really dislike. This may be the part that makes me feel excited about working.. which is shopping.

Good luck to myself in all this soon to come job hunting, interviews, settling into a new phase of life. I started this blog, or rather continued because I was having more free time after completing school. And you know the feeling after spending DAYS, WEEKS staring and the computer doing research, typing out assignments, attending project meetings, studying from the moment you wake and writing notes till your arms ache from the wrist up, and then... nothing, once exams are over.

I think I need to fill up that 'emptiness' and freedom that arises when you go from hectic to overly....free. LOL. (I dread being so free that I've even made plans, arranged meet-ups for next week and thought of what else I could do in between job-hunting.)And I want to write because it feels similar to doing up a report? It feels mentally stimulating because I need to think about what I'm going to type before I do? And it's fun. It also makes me feel that I I'm not going to become... stupid. It's not like I'm writing some business review or some innovative, detailed long-winded research journal like the ones I cite for my assignments, but you know, it keeps me thinking and less superficial(does it?).

I dread becoming someone who has Monday blues, posts TGIF statuses when I really start working. I don't want to become zombie-fied and start worrying on Sunday evening that Monday is arriving.

Alright, abrupt ending, the only thing I want, or hope and pray for is to be happy, wherever my next step brings me.

xGood night.

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